Выкройки для кожевников на любой вкус


автор: Pattern Leather TS

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Мелочи от James Graves
There are no specific patterns for projects 6 & 7; instead I have written a brief explanation of how to go about sizing them.

6. Bracelet

- Use a leather cord of your choice
- Tie a loop at one end
- Wrap around your wrist three times and find where you want the second loop
- Tie the second loop and check for fit, repositioning as necessary

7. Valet Tray

- Use a piece of leather to match your desired size of tray (the one featured in the video is made from a 12"x12" piece)
- For a shallow tray like the one shown, mark lines 30mm from each corner as shown (1:30-1:35 in video)
- For a deeper tray, you can simply mark these lines further than 30mm from the corners. Feel free to experiment with this.
- Finally, stamp and sew corners as shown. Alternatively, if you have them, leather rivets are faster and easier, while providing a slightly different look.

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